Sometimes random tips that I want to share with you all pop in my head, so I’m starting a series called “Quick Tip Tuesday.”  Whenever I have a random makeup or beauty tip, I’ll share it…on a Tuesday.  Sounds good right?!  I thought so!
I’ve recently shared this tip with a few people who had never heard of it.  I was very surprised, so I decided to share it with you, in case you too have never heard of this amazing tip!

You are applying your mascara.  Somehow, your hand slips and results in a mascara mark on your face.  You automatically think your makeup is doomed or that you will have to smudge your perfectly beat face in order to remove this pesky mascara!  What if I told you there was a way to remove the mascara, mess-free?  Here’s the secret.  Whatever you do, do NOT immediately wipe it off.  Allow the mascara to completely dry (finish your makeup or go eat a snack) and then using a q-tip, flake it off your face.  Voila!  By allowing the mascara to dry, there is no risk of smudging!

Comment below and let me know if this is news to you or if you’ve become a pro at this!

Till next time gorgeous,

Sarah Robyn